Why Solipsism is Good for You

Why Solipsism is Good for You
Photo by Kevin Lee 

Solipsism is the idea that only your own mind is certain to exist. Some people think solipsism is bad because it might make you selfish or disconnected from reality. However, solipsism can actually be very good for personal growth and happiness. Here’s why:

1. Understanding Yourself Better

Solipsism helps you understand yourself better. It encourages you to think deeply about your own thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection can help you know who you are and what you want in life. You become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Feeling More in Control

Solipsism makes you feel more in control of your life. If you believe your mind creates your experiences, you feel more powerful and capable of changing things. You take responsibility for your own happiness and success, which can be very empowering.

3. Living in the Moment

Solipsism is like practicing mindfulness. It makes you focus on your thoughts and feelings in the present moment. This can reduce stress and make you feel calmer and more at peace. You learn to appreciate the present and not worry too much about the past or future.

4. Becoming Stronger

When you see problems as creations of your mind, they feel less scary. This perspective can make you more resilient, or stronger in dealing with difficulties. You feel more capable of overcoming challenges because you understand they are not as overwhelming as they seem.

5. Boosting Creativity

Solipsism encourages you to be creative. If your mind shapes reality, your imagination has no limits. You can think of new ideas and create amazing things. This can be very exciting and fulfilling, especially if you enjoy art, writing, or other creative activities.

6. Improving Relationships

Solipsism can actually improve your relationships with others. It makes you think about how your own thoughts affect your interactions with others. You become more understanding and kind, which helps build stronger connections. You realize that how you treat others often reflects your own state of mind.

7. Encouraging Deep Thinking

Solipsism makes you think deeply about big questions. It can make you curious and eager to learn more about the mind and existence. This kind of deep thinking can make your life more interesting and meaningful. You may find joy in exploring philosophical ideas and seeking knowledge.


Solipsism can be a useful way to think about life. It helps you understand yourself, feel in control, live in the moment, and become stronger. It can boost your creativity and improve your relationships. It also encourages deep thinking and curiosity. By seeing solipsism in a positive light, you can make your life happier and more fulfilling.